It swore an oath, and your enemies will bow. No, this article is all about boosting that 1d8 piercing damage without touching your characters attributes, but more importantly it is about cool items and that sweet, sweet lore. “But Chris, a good class has nothing to do with magic or cool weapons, it is all in the character build.” Well, listen here illusory effigy of an outraged and argumentative commentator, we aren't talking builds today.

Here are 10 bows to eldritch blast that cantrip spamming, robe wearing, demon lover back to the front lines so you can do what you do best, and Let 'em FLY! Lackluster in combat in low levels, and out shined by the warlock at higher levels, the poster-class for Legolas fans could use a buff or two. The Ranger is so often passed by that even after 10 years of nearly weekly play I have never built a dedicated master of the bow. The Ranger, a classic image of a Dungeons & Dragons character if there ever was one, is not as often maligned as their unarmed friend, the Monk, but is perhaps more overlooked. Pick up these bows the next time you're in town, and bring your damage game to the next level.